Agritourisme Alta Collina

Via Lammia 5 , 82100 Benevento (Benevento) - Campanie

Description Alta Collina

The Farmhouse "Alta Collina" is an organic farm, situated on a hill 485 meters above sea level near the city of Benevento, with a wonderful view over the town and the surrounding valley, perfect for the people who want to spend some days or their holidays in contact with nature. For free time activities "Alta Collina" offers a football field, a swimming pool and a large playground in the countryside. Guests have the opportunity to walk around the woods and hike with mountain bikes.

Description des chambres 1
Description des chambres 2

Services Agritourisme

Restaurant Agritourisme Alta Collina

The restaurant, run by the family, is located on the ground floor of the building, in a characteristic room with fireplace and with over 40 seats. Dishes are cooked with home-growing products such as: vegetables, oil, wine, meats, pasta and sweets.

Restaurant 0restaurant


Via Lammia 5 , 82100 Benevento - Benevento - Campanie
Lieu de départ
agri Pourquoi
Une sélection de plus de 3500 exploitations agricoles; impossible de ne pas trouver la solution idéale!
Depuis 1999, nous traitons avec la ferme; Quelle meilleure garantie?
Réservez en toute sécurité; un aspect fondamental pour nous.

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