Summer is approaching, and people are beginning to plan their holidays, but also to look around to discover interesting events. The music is undoubtedly appreciated by those who want to go out in the evenings during the summer, so if you want some tasty information, the next lines are for you.

The first advice takes us to Milan, where from June 10 to July 28 City Sound will take place, a festival at the Hippodrome where international artists like Skunk Anansie and Blur will perform.

Also in Milan, an event not to be missed is the Miami, a showcase of great depth for independent music, which will be staged on June 7 to 9 at the Park of Idroscalo.

Moving to the beautiful Tuscany instead we find an interesting event such as the Arezzo Wave Love Festival, which will take place July 12 to 14, and will present to the public a wide selection of bands from all over Italy.

May 29 instead is the opening day of Rock in Rome, which will continue until July 29, with concerts by artists such as Max Gazzè, Korn and Daniele Silvestri. Are you among those who like to start the summer with an unforgettable music event? Why not combining the pleasure of a concert with a stay at a farmhouse?