Dates: September 4 – September 8, 2013

Location: Mantova

Region: Lombardia

The Mantua Festival is one of Italy’s most famous literary windows. The edition of 2013 is the number 17, and represents a unique opportunity for those who love books, and considers the written word an art form that transcends the passage of time, progress and social change.

Scheduled appointments are so many: list them would be really long, so remember the one with the public reading in Leon Battista Alberti Place of some important tales of Mantua’s folklore, and a strand of meetings entirely devoted to Latin America in the collective imagination.

The Mantova Festival is staged in the frame of a city of unique charm that can be appreciated even more if you decide to stay on a farmhouse, surrounded by the delightful atmosphere of the end of summer and the beauty of the river Mincio. Have you already taken a look at our special offers?