Parma is a city with an upbeat atmosphere and elegant, is the center of both areas in the province have a special charm, to be discovered!

The city is rich in monuments, history and culture and not counting the many interesting events. The events taking place in this city are numerous and always satisfied even the most demanding search the various facets of their host cities for tourism that involves all aspects.
The culture is king in Parma, famous Verdi Festival takes place every year in the land of the great musician involving fans and lovers of classical music and music in general.
Tempting food and wine tours to the famous Parmesan cheese that reigns supreme in the local cuisine but also in Italian and Mediterranean. Tours of taste are also recommended by the city of Parma. For example the way of ham and wine, mushrooms and Route Route culatello Zibello.

1 – The New Parma district or the historic city center
2 – The Cathedral and its Baptistery
3 – The Abbey of San Giovanni Evangelista
4 – The monastery of St. Paul Complex benedettno
5 – The Church of Santa Maria della Steccata
6 – the church of St. Peter the Apostle
7 – Church of San Vitale
8 – The theater of the Farnese palace with its Pilotta
9 – Theatre Royal
10 – Palazzo Ducale
11 – Governor’s Palace
12 – Palazzo Ducale
13 – Old Hospital
14 – Palace Garden
15 – Palazzo San Vitale

History of Parma is very old and interesting and the many personalities who were born there have made the ‘petite capital’ even more famous worldwide. Not only for the Parmesan, Prosciutto and Verdi.
A curiosity about the city regards Marie Louise who reigned until 1931. The Duchess loved violets and encouraged in every way the study by alchemists to extract a perfume specialist. The ‘Violetta di Parma’ we all now know comes from the passion of the Duchess for this perfume. In town it is possible to visit the Museum of Perfume, where you can relive the history of perfume itself and also buy a bottle to bring a gift to his wife, mother, friend.
The last mention of this fascinating city that includes the words of Proust in his’ The Road to Swann ‘considerations about the city:’ The name of Parma, a city where I wanted more when I go to bed La Certosa, I looked compact, smooth, soft mauve, if I may speak of an ordinary house in Parma where I was received, it caused me to think that the pleasure of living in a residence smooth, compact, soft mauve, who had no relation to the residences of no other city of Italy. ‘

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