discover Liguria |

Posts Tagged ‘discover Liguria’

The panorama of Portofino

The close Liguria is a land that offers so much to the visitor, which can not but be struck by the old fascination of this region, which has played and plays a leading role in the whole economic structure of our country.

The itinerary of this week we will bring from Genoa to Ventimiglia: a flight of most of the coast, the discovery of a culture deeply rooted in the territory: the land of Liguria is much more than a source of economic support, but a real cultural topos that has characterized and still characterizes the lifestyle of the inhabitants.

From Genoa, the city’s famous harbor and poignant songs of De Andrè, to Ventimiglia, a renowned tourist resort, we will take you on a journey from the beauties of Liguria. If you want to follow us staying in farm, look here!

Liguria is a region endowed with an important historic tradition: the city of Genoa has been a cultural and commercial center whose relevance is still alive today after thousands of years, and it is one of the most important cores of the economy of the country.

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